Saturday, 4 October 2008

Les Petite dolls

I have been following a class by suzi blu over on ning in which she is teaching us how to draw faces and do mixed media collages. Here is my girl so far...she needs wax though and possibly more layers first. What do you think?


Unknown said...

what a beautiful girl you have Julie, you are so clever.

Carmen said...

She is truly beautiful Julie - I am really working on OH to get this class for my crimbo pressie.

Julie Corfield said...

BLOODY HELL WOMAN!!!! You've taken my breathe away with her - she's beautiful. I would love to be able to create a girl like this.

manda said...

i think she is beautiful, Jules.

forcryeye said...

She is beautiful as is. what do you mean wax? I better go check this out! She really is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you have fixed it Julie! I am allowed to leave comments again.

forcryeye said...

She is just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!