Sunday, 3 February 2008

Bon voyage!

We are doing a team CJ on theme is Blue&Green. This has been totally inspired by the True Colors book as shown below, which incidentally Em Falconbridge has commented on and said its her favourite book too so I can't be wrong! So here in all its glory is my journal before it gets posted off tomorrow to one of my teamies. I have punched the holes in it with my Bind-it-all but it is not bound yet, I will save that for when it returns. By the way girls, it doesn't have to be exclusivly blue and green, you are allowed touches of other colours too!

1 comment:

Chris said...

These are great, especially the tag and pocket one, but these colors! so cool!

I was really interested in finding that you started with paper crafts when you were 48, because I'm 51 and I've only been working with art for a couple of years, collage, mixed media, etc. I started with scrapbooking, too. More power to you, girl!! Always believe! It's difficult and challenging, and it helps you grow more and learn more and give more.